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  • Writer's pictureLuca

Smart Tips for a Secure New School Year Start with Loofie

As September approaches, the familiar sights and sounds of the fall season begin to emerge. The start of a new school year brings with it a sense of renewal and fresh beginnings. It's also a time when being organized and ensuring the security of your belongings becomes essential. Here are some smart tips for navigating this season of change while keeping your essentials secure.

Tip 1 - Label Everything

Before sending your child off to school, take the time to label all their belongings, from backpacks to lunchboxes. Clearly marked items are less likely to be misplaced or mistaken for someone else's. Loofie can complement this by providing an extra layer of security with its unique tracking codes.

cute labels on food box

Tip 2 - Create a School Survival Kit

Prepare a school survival kit that includes essentials like spare pens, pencils, tissues, and hand sanitizer. Having these items readily available can prevent your child from borrowing belongings and potentially misplacing them. Your Loofie-tagged items should be part of this kit for added peace of mind.

Tip 3 - Set Up a Homework Station

Designate a quiet and organized space for homework and studying. This helps keep schoolwork and supplies in one place, reducing the chances of losing important assignments or materials. Loofie can assist by ensuring that any misplaced study materials find their way back to your child.

Tip 4 - Keep Communication Open

school class with a boy from behind

Encourage open communication with your child. Teach them to notify you immediately if something goes missing. Loofie's lost and found system simplifies this process, making it easier for items to be returned swiftly.

+1 - The Loofie Advantage

Introducing Loofie into your back-to-school routine provides an extra layer of security. By tagging your child's belongings, you're increasing the chances of lost items being found and returned. It's a valuable tool for busy parents and students alike.

Fall School Year Prep

Enjoy the autumn season, the excitement of learning, and the adventures it brings, knowing that Loofie has your back.

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